cystic fibrosis

Little Dreamer

The world is full of miracles –
One just, must, be open
To welcome them in.

I am a dreamer.
That is who I am.
Every word, every thought, every sentence,
Smile, leap, goal, exchange – I am a dreamer.

I have many dreams. Each dream comes from each spirit, each tree, and each good night’s sleep.

And I work towards my dreams every day. Small thoughts, small motions – I am “The Little Engine That Could . . .”

It only took 38 years to figure that out.

A professor of mine told me once, “You don’t know what you truly think until you write it out. Flush it out. See where your mind takes you.” You have to let it find you.

The closer you are knowing and understanding your thoughts, the closer you are to understanding yourself.

Many teachers
Many gifts –

For my class we had to write a his Villanelle style poem where certain verses repeat and exchange. A challenge to write. It started out at a completely different place from where it ended, an insert:

“Resistance concedes, accepts its lot
Why can’t it be?
I am a dreamer, confine me not.

Let those old words crack and rot,
My breath, my being – free
Resistance concedes, accepts its lot.

Snap, cut the old noose on that knot,
Time to stretch new roots below that tree.
I am a dreamer, confine me not.

With a new afterthought –
That you always could, you just needed to believe –
Resistance concedes, accepts its lot.
I am dreamer, confine me not.”

And I hope I always aspire to be.
As I hope you will always aspire to work towards
Your beautiful dreams.

This is one of the sweetest and brilliant ideas I have ever seen, quite fitting since Mother’s Day was just yesterday:

Work Cited:
Little lotus. 2015.

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